Helping kids read one book at a time.

I enjoy writing and illustrating books that motivate and inspire children to dream, love, and laugh out loud. I’m also passionate about early literacy. My goal is to encourage all parents to start reading to their children as soon as they enter the world and to make reading a part of their daily routine. Reading with children at an early age helps them to develop language skills, begin enjoying books, and starts them on a path to reading for themselves.
Why is early literacy important? The first four years of a child’s life is their greatest period in brain growth. Research shows that a child's success in school can be determined by the amount of words he hears by the age of four. Talking and reading to children are the best ways to expose them to as many words as possible.
How can we encourage early literacy? Don't forget to add books to the list of things your baby needs, and start a daily reading routine with your child.
My company, 123 Mango Tree LLC, launched a YouTube channel to make quality books and information available to all children and parents. The free online books on the YouTube channel educate and entertain children. They teach important life lessons such as being polite, having a balanced diet, and learning to never give up. There are character-building books such as I Am and I Love, and valuable parenting tips are also available.
How can you help? I would love to grow my YouTube channel so children can have access to many more free online books. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel today to keep it going. Also, tweet and forward to your social network and let’s promote early literacy together!
Nadine Johnson, Author 123 Mango Tree LLC
Books are also available for purchase on our website —